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2-Way Contact Sync between Sales Teams within an Auto Company

Primary Actor: Denver, CO Sales Team, AutoHotDeals (AHD) 

Secondary Actor: Pittsburgh, PA Sales Team, AutoHotDeals 

Client’s Pain Point  

AutoHotDeals is a leading car dealership and automobile repair company based in Denver, Colorado. The company has over 3000 contacts in a shared public folder, such as mechanics, vendors, automotive part suppliers, as well as industry contacts from previous and existing partners. As part of its expansion plans to the East Coast, AutoHotDeals has recently opened a new office in Pittsburgh, PA, where it plans to start promoting the brand to attract customers via car shows, digital marketing, billboard ads, and more. To achieve this, AHD needed to leverage its extensive contact network. Sales teams from headquarters and the new location were in discussions to start exchanging contacts but quickly realized that it would be a time-consuming and error-prone process, requiring manual updates to existing records throughout the year. They needed an automatic two-way contact sync solution, but both teams lacked the necessary IT skills to implement a solution.  

CiraHub’s Solution 

Michael, sales team lead at AHD in CO, finds CiraHub, a two-way sync solution for contacts and calendars ideal for organizations using Microsoft 365, Microsoft Exchange, and G-suite. CiraHub allows users to create a centralized hub that serves as a contact repository and add individual spokes from multiple tenants to automatically update the hub whenever new information is added.  

On the CiraHub dashboard, Michael starts a Hub & Spoke setup that allows him to create a hub and adds the head office’s Mailbox Folder under “My Tenant” as the first spoke. Since he doesn’t have Microsoft 365 login details for the other tenant, CiraHub sends an email invite to add the other team’s public folder as a new spoke, which a sales team admin accepts in PA. This creates a two-way sync funnel between both teams. Then, Michael uses CiraSync to distribute those mailbox contacts to every team member’s smartphone. The result was an automatic 2-way contact sync every hour throughout the day, with any changes being reflected in real-time.