Syncing Contacts and Calendars to a Corporate-Acquisitioned Organization/Subsidiary
Primary Actor:
Alex—Acme Corporation Executive Assistant
Secondary Actors:
Jesse—Massive Dynamic Executive Assistant
Acme Corporation CEO
Massive Dynamic CEO
The Acme Corporation acquires Massive Dynamic as a subsidiary. Alex, the Acme Corporation’s executive assistant, and Jesse, Massive Dynamic’s executive assistant, need to be able to view and manage the address book and calendar schedule of the CEOs of Acme Corporation and Massive Dynamic. However, both companies are in different Microsoft tenants.
Since Alex already has a hub set up for the Acme Corporation, she sends an email invitation through CiraHub to Jesse, the Massive Dynamic executive assistant, and the Massive Dynamic CEO.
Once they have accepted the email invitation, Alex sets up their spokes to allow for the two-way sync of the contact and calendar hubs for the Acme Corporation.
CiraHub allows Alex and Jesse to centrally manage the combined company address book and calendar in their Outlook and on their smartphone. They will be able to add, delete, and edit contacts in the address book and schedule meetings and appointments on their CEO’s behalf even though they are from different companies!